主办:国际呼吸病学会 | 嘉兴南湖区人民政府 | 国际智能健康联盟
自2003年起,由复旦大学附属中山医院白春学教授创立的国际呼吸病研讨会(Inter-national Symposium on Respiratory Diseases, ISRD)已成功举办了16届。大会宗旨为“接轨国际,走向世界”,培养“国际大会有声音、国际杂志有影响、国际学会有位置和国际社会有认可”的国际四有人才。以往16届大会共吸引国内外讲者和参会者 25,000 余人,在2011 年又与 美国胸科学会(ATS)签订协议,联合举办 ISRD-ATS 联合会,并创立 ATS 中国日。在2020年抗击新冠的过程中,又成立了“国际智能健康协会(Inter-national Association for Intelligent Health,IAIH)”和“国际智能健康联盟”。 在此大好形势下,将于 2022 年1月7 日至 9日在嘉兴举行“第17届ISRD年会暨第2届IAIH大会”,旨在进一步将会议办成“接轨国际新契机,直面名家近距离,启发创新有知音,走向世界助推器”和“物联健康、智惠众生”的国际化平台,实现中国呼吸学界影响世界的中国梦。
Dear friends and colleagues,
Since Since 2003, the International Symposium on Respiratory Diseases (ISRD) has been successfully held 16 times by Professor Chunxue Bai,Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University. The purpose of the conference is to "connect to the world and become international ". The previous 16 conferences attracted more than 25,000 speakers and participants from domestic and abroad, and in 2011 signed an agreement with the American Thoracic Society (ATS) to co-organize the China Day at ATS. In the fight against the Covid-19 in 2020, the International Association of Intelligent Health (IAIH) has also been established by Professor Chunxue Bai. Under such situation, the Joint Conference of 17th ISRD Annual Meeting and the 2nd IAIH Conference will be held in Jiaxing from January 7 to 9,2022, with the aim of further making the conference a "see the unseen, change the unchanged" international academic platform to serve the patients and benefit the world.
+more 详情12月19日,由国际呼吸病学会、常熟市人民政府、健康中国互联网电视共同主办的第16届国际呼吸病学会(ISRD)年会暨国际智能健康联盟成立大会于常熟召开。大会以“物联健康,智惠众生”...
+more 详情10月18日,“‘新’有所属,‘深’情无限”苏州高新区对接大湾区创新发展推介会在深圳福田香格里拉大酒店举行,与大湾区携手并进、合作共赢,一起续写更多春天的故事。活动中...
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